44 Questions to Ask Your Aunt About Family History

April 2024


Interview Questions

Your parents might not know everything about their family history – perhaps because they were born later, so interviewing your aunts can be a useful source to learn about your family history.   

We’ve compiled a question list to not only learn about your family history but to also learn more about them. And if you want to gift your favourite aunt something special, check out the Remento book where you can record family stories into a physical keepsake book. 

Questions About Her Hometown

  1. Where did you grow up?
  2. Describe your hometown to someone who's never been there.
  3. If I were to walk into your childhood home, describe what I would see.
  4. How did growing up in your hometown shape who you are?
  5. What did you love most about your hometown?
  6. Talk about your daily routine in your hometown.
  7. Talk about some interesting people from your hometown.
  8. What did you hate about your hometown?

Questions About Her Siblings

  1. Talk about your brothers and sisters.
  2. Describe each sibling.
  3. How did you get along with your siblings as children?
  4. Talk about your nieces and nephews? 
  5. What do you love most about your siblings?
  6. What annoys you about your siblings?

Questions About Family Traditions

  1. Describe some of your favorite family traditions.
  2. Explain family traditions surrounded by meal-time and cooking.
  3. How does your family incorporate any cultural, religious, meditative or spiritual practices?
  4. Describe any favorite family activities that have been a part of your family for generations.
  5. Describe any new traditions created in your family during your lifetime.

Questions About Their Childhood

  1. What is your earliest memory.
  2. Talk about the kind of child you were.
  3. Describe your happiest childhood memory.
  4. Describe a special moment from your childhood.
  5. Talk about the hardest struggle you experienced as a child.
  6. Talk about your childhood friends.
  7. What were you most passionate about as a child?
  8. What did you want to become when you grew up?

Questions About Their Family

  1. Talk about your relationship with your parents.
  2. Who raised you and how?
  3. What's your earliest memory of your mother?
  4. What's your earliest memory of your father?
  5. What is your favorite way to spend time with your family?
  6. What are the most important lessons you've learned from your family?
  7. Who in your family is suffering or did suffer terminal illness?
  8. What were they diagnosed with?
  9. What was or is the hardest part of having a family member going through terminal illness?
  10. Tell the big family myths about your ancestors!
  11. Talk about whether family history and heritage are important to you.
  12. How far back do you know your family history?
  13. How many grandparents do you remember?
  14. Talk about your maternal grandmother
  15. Talk about your maternal grandfather.
  16. Talk about your paternal grandmother.
  17. Talk about your paternal grandfather.


Interview Questions

44 Questions to Ask Your Aunt About Family History

April 2024

Your parents might not know everything about their family history – perhaps because they were born later, so interviewing your aunts can be a useful source to learn about your family history.   

We’ve compiled a question list to not only learn about your family history but to also learn more about them. And if you want to gift your favourite aunt something special, check out the Remento book where you can record family stories into a physical keepsake book. 

Questions About Her Hometown

  1. Where did you grow up?
  2. Describe your hometown to someone who's never been there.
  3. If I were to walk into your childhood home, describe what I would see.
  4. How did growing up in your hometown shape who you are?
  5. What did you love most about your hometown?
  6. Talk about your daily routine in your hometown.
  7. Talk about some interesting people from your hometown.
  8. What did you hate about your hometown?

Questions About Her Siblings

  1. Talk about your brothers and sisters.
  2. Describe each sibling.
  3. How did you get along with your siblings as children?
  4. Talk about your nieces and nephews? 
  5. What do you love most about your siblings?
  6. What annoys you about your siblings?

Questions About Family Traditions

  1. Describe some of your favorite family traditions.
  2. Explain family traditions surrounded by meal-time and cooking.
  3. How does your family incorporate any cultural, religious, meditative or spiritual practices?
  4. Describe any favorite family activities that have been a part of your family for generations.
  5. Describe any new traditions created in your family during your lifetime.

Questions About Their Childhood

  1. What is your earliest memory.
  2. Talk about the kind of child you were.
  3. Describe your happiest childhood memory.
  4. Describe a special moment from your childhood.
  5. Talk about the hardest struggle you experienced as a child.
  6. Talk about your childhood friends.
  7. What were you most passionate about as a child?
  8. What did you want to become when you grew up?

Questions About Their Family

  1. Talk about your relationship with your parents.
  2. Who raised you and how?
  3. What's your earliest memory of your mother?
  4. What's your earliest memory of your father?
  5. What is your favorite way to spend time with your family?
  6. What are the most important lessons you've learned from your family?
  7. Who in your family is suffering or did suffer terminal illness?
  8. What were they diagnosed with?
  9. What was or is the hardest part of having a family member going through terminal illness?
  10. Tell the big family myths about your ancestors!
  11. Talk about whether family history and heritage are important to you.
  12. How far back do you know your family history?
  13. How many grandparents do you remember?
  14. Talk about your maternal grandmother
  15. Talk about your maternal grandfather.
  16. Talk about your paternal grandmother.
  17. Talk about your paternal grandfather.

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