Remento Reviews: Perspectives from Remento customers and their families

September 2024

At Remento, we spend countless hours speaking to customers to learn how to make our product better every day. These conversations help us understand what needs fixing, what can be clarified, and what big features we should build next. For example, we decided to release the Remento Baby Book after learning from customers that they were interested in using our Speech-to-Story technology to create keepsake books of their children’s first years. 

Here are the highlights from some of our favorite conversations with real customers, plus comments they’ve shared about Remento in various other places, like TrustPilot.

"The perfect gift for my mom"

Laura purchased the Remento Book as a gift for multiple members of her family, including her mom, grandparents, mother-in-law, father-in-law, and stepmother-in-law, and has been absolutely delighted by how seriously the entire family has taken the process of exploring and preserving their stories. As a busy mother of two, Laura always thought about the importance of preserving family history, especially after the passing of her mother’s partner.

We absolutely love Remento in our family. My mom has taken this so seriously and has done such an incredible job. It was truly the perfect gift for her, as well as for my grandparents, mother-in-law, father-in-law, and stepmother-in-law. - Laura L.

She found Remento easy for everyone to use, which ensured that her kids would have a lasting keepsake of their family's legacy. Laura is particularly amazed at how her mom has embraced Remento, leveraging its Speech-to-Story technology to narrate her memories without the cumbersome task of typing. The entire family enjoys finding old photos and using them as prompts for storytelling, turning each week into a mini-family reunion when they receive updates of new stories. The quality of recorded stories and the ability to weave them into beautifully crafted narratives makes Remento a cherished part of their family’s history, and the QR codes in the book offer a unique way to revisit these precious memories forever.

Learn more about Laura’s experience

"I love not having to type"

Jami purchased Remento Book for her family during the holidays and was delighted that Remento's Speech-to-Story technology enabled her husband, sisters, and brothers-in-law to learn new and surprising things about one another - all without having to type.

 What really appealed to us about Remento was the use of the video as opposed to just having to type, especially considering the age group. My husband and [the rest of our family] have all said, "I can't believe how much I'm learning about people." - Jami E.

The weekly storytelling sessions provided a reason for her family to connect regularly, allowing them to share and react to each other's experiences, and ultimately enhancing their family bond.

Learn more about Jami’s experience

"A permanent link between me and my family"

Gerald's experience with Remento highlights the ease and value of transforming memories into a lasting family keepsake. He found the process straightforward and enjoyable, appreciating how Remento allowed him to share his life stories casually without the need for handwritten notes. The platform's ability to enrich stories with photos and backstories helped him bridge the generational gap, making ancestors come alive for his children and grandchildren.

 It's been a great experience for me to be using Remento because it means that there's a permanent link between me and my family. There’s going be a time in which I won't be around, and this way I can feel that I actually do go on into the future after I'm no longer here. - Gerald P.

Gerald found particular joy in retelling his personal stories and appreciated features like collaborative accounts, story editing, and the removal of conversational fillers. He takes comfort in the permanent link Remento creates, ensuring his legacy endures.

Learn more about Gerald’s experience

"My kids see their grandparents as superheroes now"

Heather's children were thrilled to learn about their grandmother each week, sparking excitement and a sense of connection to their ancestors. The insightful prompts in the Remento Book facilitated deeper conversations and unearthed memories that might not have surfaced otherwise

For my kids, they're just excited that they get to know who their grandparents are and [for] those [to become] heroes in your life. So these books will be important for later on in the future...I want everybody to do this!

The anticipation of receiving the printed books added to the excitement, transforming these collections of memories into instant family heirlooms for future generations to cherish.

Learn more about Heather’s experience

"I want them to remember me"

Katie's two daughters purchased Remento for their mother to be sure that Katie's 8 grandchildren would always have access to their grandmother's lessons, stories, and of course - her laughter. Initially skeptical about the amount of time it would take to write a book, Katie soon realized that the process of capturing her best stories was easy. And as she capture those stories, she recognized just how important what she was doing truly was.

I want them to remember me, and carry forward with them the lessons and experiences I've shared. And also some of the funny things.

With each story shared, Katie feels her family growing closer and closer together - both today, and long into the future.

Learn more about Katie's experience

"Being able to scan the book and hear his voice is priceless"

Shelley purchased the Remento book as a Christmas present for her 77-year-old dad, who has been thoroughly enjoying the experience of reliving old memories and sharing stories through the platform. She most loved that her dad is able to record stories without writing, and that her book will be printed full of QR codes that let family members both read and listen to the stories, complete with facial reactions.

"I loved the QR code that you get to scan. It lets you not only read the book and see the words on the page, but also hear the person say it and see their reaction…You can't put a price on that." - Shelley W.

Shelley values Remento's ability to preserve her dad's stories for future generations, ensuring her grandchildren can know who he was. Her dad, initially reluctant, grew to love the process, using it to recall cherished memories and even look for old photos. The experience has sparked rich family conversations and inspired Shelley's cousins to engage their grandparents with Remento.

Learn more about Shelley’s experience.

"The only product my mom would use."

When Loucynda decided to embark on a project to preserve her mother's memories, she found herself at a crossroads. She knew she wanted a digital solution, but which one? Her research led her to two main contenders: Remento and Storyworth.

Both offered ways to capture family stories, but with different approaches. Storyworth focused on written responses to weekly prompts, while Remento emphasized recording spoken words.

As Loucynda considered her mother's preferences and abilities, she realized that the audio-first approach of Remento might be more suitable.

"My mom is not a writer. If we had to have her go down and write these stories, it would probably not happen."

"A beautiful job turning recordings into written stories"

Harry purchased Remento for his 89-year-old mother for Christmas and was delighted by how easily she set it up on her own. He has been consistently impressed by the platform's ability to accurately transcribe her recordings into high-quality written narratives, turning informal conversations into coherent stories.

I was very impressed with how her recording was transcribed. It was very good. I was very impressed with [how it turned] informal talking into something written. - Harry Z.

He got the idea after a Thanksgiving dinner, where a friend showed him a book created from his dad's life stories. However, he found that book’s quality lacking. Remento, on the other hand, impressed him immediately because it didn’t require any writing—just speaking. Plus, he loved that Remento preserves voice along with the written stories, adding an emotional touch.

Learn more about Harry’s experience.

"It's so easy to use"

When Janice M. received Remento as a gift from her daughter, she was excited about the prospect of preserving her memories and stories for her grandchildren. As she started to use Remento, she came to love how easy it is to record a new story each week.

It's so easy to use. And I Iove the fact that you don't have to login or remember a password...You just have to click on it to get stared." - Janice C.

Janice describes wishing she knew so many more details about her older relatives, and shares her gratitude that her grandchildren and their families will never be without her own stories and memories.

Learn more about Janice’s experience

"An instant family treasure"

Gathering as a family to look through the book was an unforgettable experience. The hardcover book, filled with colorful photos, instantly felt like a family treasure. My kids loved scanning them and watching their grandmother tell stories. We instantly ordered an additional five copies. - Jody G.

Learn more about Jody's experience

"Beyond just FaceTiming"

When Laura set out to find the perfect way to capture her grandmother's life stories, she found herself at a crossroads between Remento and Storyworth. Ultimately, she picked Remento. She felt that her grandmother would be more likely to enjoy recording stories each week than having to write them down herself. What she came to realize was that while this was true, the real value in Remento was the way the recordings of her grandmother's stories brought them closer together than writing ever could.

It was beyond just FaceTiming and talking about our weeks; it was about her upbringing in Morocco, my grandfather's experience during World War II, and more. It was much deeper than just everyday stuff.

Learn more about Laura's experience

"A great way to connect each week"

It was amazing to see how my family lit up when they were responding to the brilliant and thoughtful questions that Remento curates. I have learned things about some of my closest loved ones that I would never have known without this. - Mike J.

Learn more about Mike's experience

"So easy for my non-tech savvy parents"

I love the ease of this program. My parents are not tech savvy, but every week they record the answer to their question with ease. I can't put into words how special it will be to have my parents voices telling these past events that will now be able to live on through many generations in our family. - J.A. M.

Learn more about J.A.'s experience

"If only all customer service was like Remento's!"

I cannot say enough about the phenomenal customer service at Remento...I am so used to receiving generic copy-and-paste replies from customer service representatives that it brought tears to my eyes to have such a thoughtful and genuine interaction...The quality of care and support they provide to customers makes them stand out as a company, and I only wish more businesses operated like they do. - Katherine W.

Learn more about Katherine's experience