Remento Review: Gerald's Experience Preserving His Memories on Remento

September 2024

Gerald describes how easy it was to turn his memories of the past into a physical keepsake for his family with Remento. Without the need to write answers by hand, Gerald was able to casually share the memories and moments that shaped his life in a way that can be preserved for his family for generations to come. The process was simple, easy, and according to Gerald, "just great." Get the Remento Book for your family too.

 It's been a great experience for me to be using Remento because it means that there's a permanent link between me and my family. There’s going be a time in which I won't be around, and this way I can feel that I actually do go on into the future after I'm no longer here.

Why I Appreciate the Remento Book

Using Remento to share stories has been an incredible experience. I think my favorite part is that I'm able to incorporate photographs into my reflections. These photos are either sent to me as prompts - which I can respond to each week - or I can add them to stories once I've recorded them. Either way, these photographs bring my family's history to life, introducing long-gone relatives to my children and grandchildren who never had the chance to meet them. Remento helps me bridge that gap, making our family's past more tangible.

I get excited whenever I remember a story from my past because I know that I now have a place where I can retell them. Conveniently, I can have my son or grandson as collaborators on the account, and they can help me add questions and photo prompts. The user-friendly design, complimented by the feature of editing stories and changing perspectives, is a highlight for me. Also, the feature of removing conversational fillers like “ums” and “ahs” is really great.

A piece of me will live into the future

Using Remento gives me confidence that my stories and memories will be preserved for my family in the future. It goes beyond merely saving photos; it allows me to add context and narrations to each story, making memories come alive. This way, I can connect with both current and future generations. Sharing my past becomes an exciting experience, and it’s comforting to think that my family will always have access to my history. Remento helps me capture the essence of my life and pass it on, ensuring that my legacy endures.

My Stories, my voice

The joy of having my voice narrate the stories for my family is indescribable. It's like I'm painting a vivid picture of my world for them, something only a first-person perspective can genuinely offer. Remento goes beyond just looking at old photos; it brings the voice behind those photos to life, sharing our family history in a deeply personal and engaging way. This platform allows me to connect with my family more intimately, letting them hear the emotions and nuances in my voice as I recount our shared memories. It adds depth and context that simply viewing images can't provide, making our family's stories more real and memorable.

Remento: A Heartfelt Recommendation

I highly endorse Remento and find myself wishing I could gift it to my childhood friends. It would be a joy to listen to their stories, hear their voices, and see how they lived. It's such a delight to have old memories resurface and think, 'Oh, I almost forgot about that, but that was a great story!'. Imagine reconnecting with those old friends and sharing laughs over things we experienced together. It would be something special to hold on to those memories and cherish the good times we had. Remento brings to life the magic of reminiscing.

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