Storyworth Review – Is it Worth Buying And When to Hold Off

July 2024

Storyworth provides a creative approach to capture and safeguard family narratives and memories. Through engaging users with thought-provoking weekly questions, StoryWorth invites family members to share personal stories, which are later compiled into a hardcover book after a year. This book becomes a valued family memento, preserving the life experiences, wisdom, and family history for future generations.

In this blog, we'll look into factors users value about Storyworth and elements that cause complaints. Whether you're thinking of using Storyworth as a gift or as a means to capture your own life story, understanding these pros and cons will assist you in making a well-informed decision.

If you're looking for a Storyworth alternative that doesn't require writing, check our Remento.

Things People Love About Storyworth

1. Unique gift idea

Storyworth is a gift that stands out from the rest because it offers much more than a tangible item; it gives the gift of shared experiences, memories, and timeless stories. The uniqueness of this gift lies in its ability to capture and immortalize the personal stories and experiences of our loved ones. By subscribing to Storyworth, you give your loved ones an opportunity to share their life stories, wisdom, and meaningful moments in response to weekly story prompts. This process not only allows your loved ones to embark on a journey of self-reflection and storytelling, but also allows you to join them in this journey, creating an ongoing shared experience. The end product is a priceless keepsake that can be passed down through generations, ensuring that the rich tapestry of your loved one's life is never forgotten. It is more than just a book; it is a legacy, a testament of life and experiences, and a treasure trove of personal stories that hold immeasurable value for both the storyteller and the recipients of the book.

2. A way to show you care

Storyworth is highly regarded by many users as a heartfelt way to show care and interest in a loved one's life. By gifting Storyworth, users demonstrate a desire to know more about the recipient's experiences, memories, and wisdom. The process of asking weekly questions and waiting for the answers creates an ongoing dialogue that fosters deeper connections and understanding. It shows the recipient that their stories are valued and that their life experiences are worth preserving. This act of collecting and treasuring personal narratives conveys a level of care and respect that goes beyond typical gift-giving. For many users, Storyworth is more than just a service; it's a means of showing genuine interest and affection for their loved ones.

3. High-quality books

Storyworth is also highly appreciated by users for the high quality of its final product - the hardcover books. These books, which compile a year's worth of personal stories and photos, are professionally bound and printed on premium paper, ensuring durability and a pleasing aesthetic. Users are often impressed by the attention to detail, the clear, crisp printing of both text and images, and the overall craftsmanship of the book. The quality of these books adds a layer of value to the personal narratives contained within, making them truly feel like treasured family heirlooms. The high-quality books not only enhance the satisfaction of the users but also make the entire Storyworth experience more rewarding and worthwhile.

4. Great questions

Storyworth has a curated list of insightful and thought-provoking questions that help to dig deep into the personal narratives of the people you care about. These questions are designed to encourage people to share their memories, thoughts, and experiences in a meaningful way. They range from simple queries like 'What is your favorite childhood memory?' to more complex ones like 'What life lessons would you like to pass on?'. These intelligent questions not only help in generating engaging stories but also make it easier for people who might find it hard to start writing their stories. The beauty of Storyworth's questions lies in their ability to evoke emotions, stir memories, and provide an intimate glimpse into a person's life, making the storytelling process more enriching and rewarding.

5. Create a family artifact

Users appreciate Storyworth because it aids in crafting a unique family artifact. The service works by prompting family members to share personal stories in response to weekly questions. Over time, these narratives are compiled, creating a rich tapestry of experiences, wisdom, and family history. The book, filled with personal narratives and perhaps accompanied by photos, becomes more than just a collection of stories; it evolves into a timeless family artifact. This invaluable keepsake, encapsulating the lives, memories, and lessons of loved ones, can be passed down through generations, preserving family history in a deeply personal way. The creation of such a family artifact is a cherished aspect of the Storyworth experience for many users.

Things People Don’t Love About Storyworth

1. Requires writing

Despite the many benefits of Storyworth, some users find it challenging due to the writing component. The process of answering weekly questions and writing detailed, personal narratives can be time-consuming and daunting for some, especially those who are not comfortable with or inclined towards writing. This has led to a number of users not completing the process or not fully engaging with the service. Many users start with enthusiasm but gradually lose momentum due to the ongoing commitment required. The need to recall and articulate detailed memories can also be a hurdle for some, leading to incomplete stories. Therefore, while Storyworth has a great concept of preserving family memories, its reliance on writing as a medium of expression can deter some users from fully utilizing and completing it.

"We are in our late 70s and writing every week is just too much.” -TrustPilot Review
Yeah, turns out my parents can’t do their homework either. Didn’t answer a single question for a year. - Reddit thread

2. To some, feels like homework

Plenty of successful Storyworth participants feel that in writing their memoir, they’ve created a “gift for future generations.” For others, the task of writing a life story can feel like a school assignment. The structured, guided approach of posing questions to extract stories may not be pleasant for all, especially for those who don’t like feeling put in the spot or prefer a more spontaneous, free-flow approach to communicating their thoughts. Many customers site the tedious nature of writing these stories "by hand" as the reason they don't ultimately complete their book. Unlike other story preservation offerings (like Remento), Storyworth does not offer a voice-to-text option.

Yeah, turns out my parents can’t do their homework either. Didn’t answer a single question for a year. - Reddit thread

3. Limited customization options

While Storyworth does an excellent job of preserving family stories, some users express dissatisfaction due to its limited customization options. The service follows a defined structure of weekly questions and has a standard format for the final hardcover book, which might not cater to everyone's preferences. Users may wish for more flexibility in choosing the frequency of questions, the themes they cover, or the layout and design of the final book. Furthermore, some users may want to incorporate more visual elements, like photographs or drawings, to accompany their stories. The lack of these customization features can make the service feel somewhat restrictive for those seeking a more personalized touch to their family artifact. As a result, despite its many benefits, Storyworth's limited customization options can be a point of dissatisfaction for some users.

“I was VERY...unhappy that I was stuck with double look more like a third grade reading book.”  - TrustPilot Review

4. Difficulty adding photos

Another point of contention for some users with Storyworth is the difficulty associated with adding photos to their stories. The platform allows the addition of photos, but these images can only be viewed after the story has been sent or published, not while writing it. This means that users cannot preview how their photos will look within the context of their story, leading to potential layout or formatting issues. This can be particularly frustrating for those who want their photos and text to complement each other seamlessly. The inability to see and adjust photos in real-time can make the storytelling process less intuitive and more challenging, leading to dissatisfaction among some users. Therefore, while Storyworth is a great tool for preserving memories, its current photo handling process can hinder the overall user experience.

“The addition of pictures is done inconsistently, especially if you add them later. If you try to add scanned input the result is also inconsistent.” - TrustPilot Review

5. Platform reliability

Certain users have also expressed concerns about Storyworth's platform reliability, particularly with instances of their data disappearing on the platform. These users have reported that after spending time writing their stories and uploading photos, they have returned to find their work missing. This not only results in a loss of personal narratives and memories but also causes frustration and discouragement, as the time and effort invested in creating these stories is considerable.

"I wrote a long answer to the grandparents question and the program lost it. Not going to do again!" - TrustPilot Reviewer

6. Requires staying on top of email 

Much of Storyworth's interactions hinge on email communication. Invitations, reminders, story prompts, and almost every touchpoint with StoryWorth will come via email. Therefore, anyone who isn’t completely comfortable dealing with a regular influx of emails might face some initial friction while navigating the StoryWorth process. And even those comfortable with email have acknowledged in online reviews that at some point in the process, the emails stopped altogether.

"Got this for my dad.. started out great, but then all of a sudden I stopped getting his stories!" - TrustPilot Review

7. Lack of family collaboration

Another critique that users have of Storyworth is the lack of family collaboration. While Storyworth does provide tools for collaboration, users have noted that the platform itself doesn't actively encourage or motivate family members to participate. The process of writing and sharing stories is often left to individual family members, without a mechanism to involve others in the process. This can lead to certain family members feeling overwhelmed by the responsibility or others feeling left out. The platform does not provide reminders or incentives to encourage participation from all family members. This lack of collaborative features can diminish the communal aspect of storytelling, which is a key aspect of creating a comprehensive family narrative. Therefore, despite its other benefits, Storyworth's inability to effectively foster family collaboration can be a point of dissatisfaction for some users.

8. Time-consuming editing

Another critique from users is that Storyworth can be time-consuming when it comes to editing. Once users have written their stories, the editing process can be lengthy and cumbersome. Users may need to spend significant time refining their narratives, correcting formatting issues, or adjusting their photos. This issue is compounded by the platform's current design, which some users find not particularly intuitive or user-friendly when it comes to making edits. This can lead to frustration and diminished engagement, especially for those who are not familiar or comfortable with digital editing tools. Therefore, while Storyworth provides a unique platform for preserving family narratives, its editing process can be a deterrent for some users due to its time-consuming nature.

9 Additional books are pricey

Many families with a loved one who completes a Storyworth book are excited to purchase multiple copies of the books for multiple members of the family. After all, a beautifully written book is indeed a tremendous keepsake. These folks, however, are often surprised to learn that printing an additional book can cost up to an additional $99 before shipping. So if you're planning on sharing your Storyworth journey with family or friends, plan this aspect of your budget accordingly.

So, is Storyworth worth it?

Storyworth is a unique gift for friends and families. Many customers found the questions thought-provoking and appreciated the final hardcover book. However, not everyone enjoys writing so for them it feels like a chore. Other customers complained about the lack of customization. Overall, we think Storyworth is a good option if you're willing to write weekly stories for a year. If not, check out alternatives to Storyworth.

Ready to capture stories without writing a word?

Remento uses its Speech-To-Story™ technology to turn audio or video recordings of memories into written stories. These stories are ultimately printed into a hardcover, color-printed keepsake book. Read the book, or scan the QR codes within it to hear the original recording.

Learn more about Storyworth v. Remento